Throughout the year the Westerville Kiwanis Club supports several community projects.
Academic Varsity Banquet:
Every April for over 60 years the club has hosted an Academic Varsity Banquet. Based on their academic achievement for the school year, the top ten seniors from each Westerville High School are honored at an evening banquet. Parents/guardians of students are also invited and encouraged to attend!
Scholarship Funding & Financial Gifting:
Each year the club interviews 8-10 college-bound senior students from each Westerville high school and awards a scholarship to 3 selected applicants, one from each school. Funds are to be used to defray college expenses.
The club provides financial support to one male and one female high school junior selected by the Westerville American Legion to attend Buckeye Boys State and Buckeye Girls State in June of each year. The events provide a multi-day hands-on experience in the operation of the democratic form of government, the organization of political parties, and the relationship of one to the other in shaping Ohiogovernment.
Book Bonanza – Supporting reading literacy through book distribution in Westerville Elementary Schools & Westerville Arts and Music Festival.
Kids Health and Safety Program for Westerville – Providing bike helmets to the youth of Westerville, in coordination with the Westerville Police Department.
Meal Packing with Lifeline Christian Mission – Volunteer projects with Lifeline Christian Mission including meal packing and clothing sorting.
Annual Westerville 5K Bunny Hop Community Partner – providing water to runners to keep them hydrated.
Volunteer projects with W.A.R.M. – (Westerville Area Resource Ministry) including: sorting food and assisting with Thanksgiving Meal “Community Blessing” Program.
Kiwanis Club Of Westerville
Throughout the year the Westerville Kiwanis Club supports several community projects.
Academic Varsity Banquet:
Every April for over 60 years the club has hosted an Academic Varsity Banquet. Based on their academic achievement for the school year, the top ten seniors from each Westerville High School are honored at an evening banquet. Parents/guardians of students are also invited and encouraged to attend!
Scholarship Funding & Financial Gifting:
Book Bonanza – Supporting reading literacy through book distribution in Westerville Elementary Schools & Westerville Arts and Music Festival.
Kids Health and Safety Program for Westerville – Providing bike helmets to the youth of Westerville, in coordination with the Westerville Police Department.
Meal Packing with Lifeline Christian Mission – Volunteer projects with Lifeline Christian Mission including meal packing and clothing sorting.
Annual Westerville 5K Bunny Hop Community Partner – providing water to runners to keep them hydrated.
Volunteer projects with W.A.R.M. – (Westerville Area Resource Ministry) including: sorting food and assisting with Thanksgiving Meal “Community Blessing” Program.